
AgriPortal PH and Bless Our Cops Movement Partnership

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[L-R AgriPortal Vision-Keeper Daniel Ching AgriPortal Chairman Dr. Junifen F. Gauuan, CORPS Chairman PLTGen Cesar Hawthorne Binag (Ret), BOC President Ptr. Bernabe "Boi" Manuel, and BOC-NCR Plus Life Coach Director and Host Ptr. Renato Paraan]

February 9, 2023 SIL, Quezon City. MOU Signing

AgriPortal PH and Bless Our Cops Movement have announced their partnership to bring about positive change and improve the lives of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the communities they serve. The Bless Our Cops (BOC) program serves as a vehicle for the Corps Movement Foundation to fulfill its mission to the entire Philippines.

In 2011, BOC expanded its focus beyond just the PNP and the church, to also include the community and the country as a whole. The PNP will continue to be its primary target audience, but the movement will also work to engage church leaders and community stakeholders in outreach efforts and nation-building activities.

The BOC movement is seeking Christian leaders who share their vision and mission, and who are willing to adopt a police station in their local area. Through this partnership, AgriPortal PH and BOC hope to bring about positive change and improve the lives of the PNP and the communities they serve. The ultimate goal is to translate this partnership into community programs that will bless and enrich the lives of those living in the communities surrounding police stations.

AgriPortal PH is a platform that connects farmers, fisherfolk, and rural communities to the resources they need to improve their livelihoods. The platform provides access to information on best practices, market information, and other relevant resources for farmers and fisherfolk.

The partnership between AgriPortal PH and BOC is a natural fit, as both organizations share a common goal of improving the lives of people in the Philippines. Through this partnership, AgriPortal PH will support the BOC in its mission to bless the PNP and the communities they serve, while BOC will provide AgriPortal PH with valuable insights into the needs and challenges faced by the PNP and communities.

In conclusion, the partnership between AgriPortal PH and BOC is a positive step towards a better future for the PNP and the communities they serve. The organizations hope that this partnership will bring about positive change and make a lasting impact on the lives of people in the Philippines.


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AgriPortal being a Non-Government Organization, shall be a one-stop agricultural solution in absolute fulfillment towards a transformed HEARTS of the nation.

Agriportal shall dedicate various resources to revive and renew the Agriculture Industry in the Philippines. It is designed to bring together various Faith-Based Communities into Agri-Enterprise and Agri-Business.

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